Monday, August 23, 2010

first day of school

today was michael's first day of first grade. drop-off went well, although i think i could have stayed another 30 minutes and helped out with supply sorting, but i had to get home.

michael's teacher is a little person. i heard through the grapevine that she addresses this fact with the class very early on and teaches them the proper terminology. when michael came home today we had the following conversation:

Mom: "Did Ms. Lamb talk to the class about why she isn't as tall as other adults?"
Michael: "Yes. But she said there is no such thing as a midget"
Mom: "Oh, okay...that's interesting"
Michael: "She said she's a dork"



Devi said...

Holy Cow! I probably just peed myself and fell off the chair laughing at the same time! I can't wait for Nash to start saying things like that!

mrsswhite said...

i know, right! hysteria. i had to then say "i think you mean dwarf".

later i was discreetly telling the story to a friend. as we were ending our conversation, i said i just wanted to tell you about the dork.

he said "are you making fun of my teacher??!?!?"
